Friday, 27 September 2013

26th September every year is European Day of Languages!

Click HERE!

Read the information on the European Day of Languages Website and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Council of Europe?
  2. What is the purpose of the European Day of Languages?
  3. What is plurilingualism?
  4. How do you say "Hello, talk to me!" in sign language?
  5. How many languages are spoken in the world?
  6. What percentage of the world’s languages is spoken in Europe?
  7. How many people in the world speak two or more languages?
  8. In everyday conversation, how many words do we use?
  9. What is a mother tongue?
  10. Name a benefit of bilingualism.
  11. To which family do most European languages belong?
  12. Name three languages which belong to the Germanic family.
  13. Name three languages which belong to the Romance family.
  14. Which non-European languages are the most spoken on the European territory?

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